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한국노동연구원의 최신 발간물을 열람하시고 구독 신청하세요

전체 보고서

Industrial Accident Prevention System in Korea - An Introductory Guide -

Industrial Accident Prevention System in Korea - An Introductory Guide -

  • 저자 Jo-Duk Yoon
  • 출판일 2011.11.14
  • 판매가 0원
  • 재고 재고없음
  • 페이지 수 50
  • ISBN 978-89-7356-872-7
  • 절판 구매불가


1. Introduction 1
A. Development of the Industrial Accident Prevention System 1
B. Mid- to Long-Term Industrial Accident Prevention Plans 2

2. Trends in the Occurrences of Industrial Accidents 5
A. Numbers of Accident Victims 5
B. Occurrences of Work-Related Diseases 5
C. Persons Incurring Physical Disabilities due to Industrial Accidents 8

3. System and Contents of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 10
A. Purpose and Coverage 10
B. Duties of the Government, Employers, and Workers 10
C. Safety and Health Management System 12
D. Safety and Health Management Regulations 22
E. Measures for the Prevention of Hazard and Danger 23
F. Health Management of Workers 38
G. Supervision and Order 44

4. Industrial Accident Prevention Fund 48
A. Legal Grounds 48
B. Use of the Industrial Accident Prevention Fund 49

5. Summary and Conclusion 50
본 공공저작물은 공공누리 “출처표시+상업적이용금지+변경금지” 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.