한국노동패널조사 'About KLIPS'에 대한 설명 입니다.
KLIPS Korean Labor & Income Panel Study
KLIPS (Korean Labor & Income Panel Study) is a longitudinal survey of the labor market / income activities of households and individuals residing in urban areas. The 1st Wave of the KLIPS was launched by the KLI (Korea Labor Institute) in 1998, amid an unprecedented economic crisis and labor market turmoil.
Being the first domestic panel survey on labor-related issues, it has served as a valuable data source for the microeconomic analysis of labor market activities and transitions, thereby contributing to the development and evaluation of labor market policies. In Korea, there are several national-level surveys on economic and labor market activities: the Current Population Survey and Special Survey of Employment by the Korea National Statistical Office; the Survey of Labor Mobility and Basic Survey of Wages by the Ministry of Labor. However, these surveys are all cross-sectional surveys of populations and workplaces, as opposed to longitudinal (panel) surveys.
As such, there were clear data limitations for in-depth analytic studies of labor force supply and mobility, including schooling and school-to-work transition of youth, job mobility and labor market transition processes, unemployment experiences, job training and education, working conditions and welfare, childcare and female labor force participation, income and consumption, health and retirement, etc. KLIPS was introduced with the objective of filling in these data gaps in academic and policy studies of economic and labor market activities of individuals and households. In designing and managing KLIPS, our role models were a set of very successful longitudinal surveys conducted in industrialized countries, such as NLS(1968-), NLSy(1979-), PSID(1968-) of USA, SLID(1993-) of Canada, BHPS(1991-) of the UK, and GSOEP(1984-) of Germany, among many others.
An Overview of the KLIPS
(Korean Labor and Income Panel Study)
KLIPS Overview Leaflet
- Host Organization : Center for Labor Statistics Research, Korea Labor Institute
- Year Initated : 1998
- Funding Sources : Financial support by the Ministry of Employment and Labor
- Formal Governing Body : Project Management Committee (internal), seated by the President and Directors of the KLI
- External Research Advisory Group : Scholars from academia in various fields (economics, sociology, survey methodology and statistics)