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한국노동연구원 'International Labor Brief'에 대한 설명 입니다.

International Labor Brief

International Labor Brief (Vol. 21, No. 5, 2023)


Global Focus

Era of Transition: Industry-Labor-Education 4.0 (Seonho Shin)


Special Feature: Labor Transition and Vocational Education

Germany's Vocational Education and Training System and the Challenges for Sustainable Development (Per Kropp)

Labor and Ecological Transition in France: Employment and Vocational Training in the Face of Environmental Challenges (Baghioni Liza, Moncel Nathalie)


In Depth Analysis

Pension Reform: A Cautious Government Must Be Careful Not to Ignore Social Democracy (Alain Supiot)


International Labor Trends

France: Labor Force Imbalance by Sector and Self-Rescue Measures (Doo-Hyung Lee)

Japan: Labor Reform in the Logistics Industry and Policy Limitations on Truck Drivers (Sung-Kwang Seo)


World Labor News


* Please note that the articles are available only in Korean.
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