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Panel Brief

[KLI Panel Brief No. 28] Current Status and Trends of Industrial Relations in Large Enterprises and Small and Medium Enterprises

[KLI Panel Brief No. 28] Current Status and Trends of Industrial Relations in Large Enterprises and Small and Medium Enterprises

  • Author Jung-Woo Kim
  • Publication Date 2024.01.08
  • Length 9
  • ISBN


• Using WPS(Workplace Panel Survey) data for four years from 2015 to 2021, we analyzed the characteristics of industrial relations of large and small enterprises.

- Since 2015, the WPS has provided information to identify small businesses in accordance with the Framework Act on Small and Medium Enterprises.

- For non-unionized enterprises, the focus is on unions and collective agreements, and for non-unionized enterprises, the focus is on the composition and operation of labor-management councils.


• The union establishment rate, the union organization rate, and the collective agreement application rate are all higher in large corporations than in small and medium enterprises.

- The union establishment rate of large enterprises is 33.7-36.6%, which is more than double the rate of small and medium-sized enterprises, which is 12.2%-12.9%.

- The unionization rate is also higher in large enterprises (25.1-28.0%) than in small and medium-sized enterprises (12.2-13.2%).

- The rate of collective agreement application is also significantly higher in large enterprises (33.7-37.2%) than in small and medium-sized enterprises (14.5-15.7%).


• In the case of multiple unions, small and medium-sized enterprises were more likely to have multiple unions than large enterprises.

- The proportion of small and medium-sized enterprises with multiple unions (13.3-16.1%) was higher than that of large enterprises (7.5-11.5%).


• The rate of establishment of labor-management councils in large enterprises is slightly higher than in small and medium-sized enterprises, and the method of electing employee representatives is also more democratic in large enterprises.

- Both sectors had an establishment rate of labor-management council over 90%, but in all years large enterprises had a slightly higher establishment rate than small and medium-sized enterprises.

- The rate of direct election of worker representatives to the labor-management council was higher in large enterprises (33.1-44.5%) than in small and medium-sized enterprises (26.3-31.9%), and the rate of company nominations was higher in small and medium-sized enterprises (28.6-33.8%) than in large enterprises (18.9-28.6%). ).


• Labor-management councils are relatively viable in large enterprises.

- According to the HR managers, large enterprises scored 3.06-3.18(on a 5-point scale), slightly above the "average", and small and medium-sized enterprises scored 2.74-2.85, large enterprises show relatively high score.

- The number of labor-management council meetings held does not differ significantly between large and small enterprises, with an average of 4 meetings. Employers attend an average of 3 labor-management council meetings, with employers in large enterprises attending more often (3.13 to 3.99) than those in small and medium-sized enterprises (2.86 to 3.61).

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