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한국노동연구원 'Wage Information Brief'에 대한 설명 입니다.

Wage Information Brief

Wage Information Brief: 2021 No. 11 (Serial No. 68)


Table of Contents

1. Wage Trends in October-November 2021 based on the Worknet Recruitment DB

2. Job-oriented HR Management Series Episode 10: Application of Job Evaluation Results and Case Studies



■ In November 2021, the number of new job openings was 271,000, the number of new job searches was 399,000. The average offered wage was 2.09 million won and the average desired wage was 2.14 million won; the overall wage satisfaction rate was 97.6%.

■ By employment type, the wage satisfaction rate in ‘non-fixed term employment contract’ was highest at 108.3% but was lowest at 49.5% in the form of ‘non-fixed term employment contract (part-time).

■ Looking at the top five occupations with the highest wage satisfaction rate, ‘security service jobs’ has the highest rate of 113.7%, followed by 'food processing/production jobs', ‘simple manufacturing jobs’, 'cleaning and other personal service jobs', ‘security service jobs', and ‘ICT R&D and engineering jobs’.

■ On the other hand, looking at the lower five occupation with the lowest wage satisfaction rate, ‘care service jobs (nursing/childcare)’ has the lowest at 76.5%, followed by 'education jobs', 'construction/mining jobs', and 'metal/material installation/maintenance/production jobs'. 

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