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[KLI Policy Discussion] Future of Korea’s Manufacturing Industry and Workers’ Competitiveness
Title [KLI Policy Discussion] Future of Korea’s Manufacturing Industry and Workers’ Competitiveness
Date December 21, 2023
Type Seminar
Venue Grand Ballroom, Seoul Garden Hotel
Organized by Korea Labor Institute


- Korea Labor Institute has conducted a research project on ways to improve the competitiveness of manufacturing workers over the past four years. As this project ended in 2023, a discussion session was organized to share its study results under the theme of the future of the phone manufacturing industry and workers’ competitiveness. It also aims to point out the need for capacity building for workers in various sectors and seize opportunities to improve the existing practices of developing and utilizing human capital in future-oriented ways that better serve changing needs. 


- Recent employment trends of manufacturing engineers- Personnel management of R&D workers

- Management of engineering workforce and labor relations: latest trends and issues

- Organizing the competitiveness of production workers: issues and classification

- Competitiveness of production workers in the modular product architecture industry

- Competitiveness of production workers in the integrated product architecture industry (1): heavy industry

- Competitiveness of production workers in the integrated product architecture industry (2): light industry

- Challenge in organizing the competitiveness of production workers: new perception and preions