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부서 사회정책연구본부

담당업무 노동경제

전공분야 노동경제, 인구경제

팩스번호 044-287-6797

주요 학력

  • 2017.08 University of Illinois at Chicago 경제학 박사

    2015.05 University of Illinois at Chicago 경제학 석사

    2011.02 고려대학교 경제학 석사

    2007.02 성균관대학교 경제학사

주요 경력

  • 2017.09 ~ Present: Associate Research Fellow, Korea Labor Institute

    2013.08 ~ 2017.05: Instructor, University of Illinois at Chicago
    - Econometrics, Principles of Macroeconomics, Principles of Microeconomics

    2011.08 ~ 2013.05: Teaching Assistant, University of Illinois at Chicago

    2011.03 ~ 2011.06: Research Analyst, Hankyoreh Economic Research Institute

    2007.02 ~ 2009.02: Samsung Engineering

주요 논문 및 저서

  • Son, Yeon Jeong. 2017. “Do Childbirth Grants Increase the Fertility Rate?
    Policy Impacts in South Korea.”  Review of Economics of the Household: 1-23.

    Lehrer, Evelyn L. and Yeon Jeong Son. 2017. “Women’s Age at First Marriage and
    Marital Instability: Differences by Race and Ethnicity.” Demographic Research
    37(9): 229-250.

    “Marital Instability in the United States: Trends, Driving Forces, and
    Implications for Children” (with Lehrer, Evelyn L.), Oxford Handbook on the
    Economics of Women, ed. Susan L. Averett, Laura M. Argys and Saul D. Hoffman.
    (New York: Oxford University Press. Forthcoming)

    <Working Paper>
    “Overtime Policy and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from South Korea”